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The smiley is the player's sprite. Players can control the smiley with either the arrow keys or WASD and pressing space to jump. There are 7 free smilies and 6 Beta smilies. There are also several other smilies, which can be collected when a player wins a building challenge, collects a magical coin, or buys them using Energy or Gems. The smilies are based off of the emoticons from Facebook's instant messenger.

On August 17, 2012, the shop was updated to be much more "fancy". Smiley descriptions were removed.

ID Name Payvault Class Obtained From Energy Cost Gem Cost
000 smiley normal.png 0 Smiley Free
001 smiley grin.png 1 Grin Free
002 smiley tongue.png 2 Tongue Free
003 smiley happy.png 3 Happy Free
004 smiley annoyed.png 4 Annoyed Free
005 smiley sad.png 5 Sad Free
006 smiley crying.png 6 Crying pro Beta
007 smiley wink.png 7 Wink pro Beta
008 smiley frustrated.png 8 Frustrated pro Beta
009 smiley shades.png 9 Shades pro Beta
010 smiley devil.png 10 Devil pro Beta
011 smiley inquisitive.png 11 Inquisitive pro Beta
012 smiley ninja.png 12 Ninja smileyninja Energy Shop 1,000 20
013 smiley santa.png 13 Santa smiliesanta Classic Shop
014 smiley worker.png 14 Worker smileyworker Energy Shop 250 5
015 smiley bigspender.png 15 Big Spender smileybigspender Energy Shop
016 smiley superman.png 16 Superman smiliesuper Miscellanous
017 smiley surprised.png 17 Surprise smiliesupprice Energy Shop 110 1
018 smiley indifferent.png 18 Indifferent Free
019 smiley girl.png 19 Girl smileygirl Energy Shop 1,000 20
020 smiley newyears2010.png 20 New Year 2010 mixednewyear2010 Classic Shop
021 smiley coy.png 21 Coy smileycoy Energy Shop 300 6
022 smiley wizard.png 22 Wizard smileywizard Magic
023 smiley fanboy.png 23 Fan Boy smileyfanboy Can no longer be obtained
024 smiley terminator.png 24 Terminator smileyterminator Energy Shop 1,250 25
025 smiley extragrin.png 25 Extra Grin smileyxd Energy Shop 750 15
026 smiley bully.png 26 Bully smileybully Energy Shop 875 17
027 smiley commando.png 27 Commando smileycommando Energy Shop 1,250 25
028 smiley kissing.png 28 Kissing smileyvalentines2011 Classic Shop
029 smiley bird.png 29 Bird smileybird Contest
030 smiley bunny.png 30 Bunny smileybunni Contest
031 smiley diamond.png 31 Diamond Touch unobtainable Special
032 smiley firewizard.png 32 Fire Wizard smileywizard2 Magic
033 smiley extratongue.png 33 Extra Tongue smileyxdp Energy Shop 750 15
034 smiley postman.png 34 Postman smileypostman Unobtainable, Subscription to Newsletter 1000 20
035 smiley templar.png 35 Templar smileytemplar Energy Shop 1,000 20
036 smiley angel.png 36 Angel smileyangel Energy Shop 250 5
037 smiley nurse.png 37 Nurse smileynurse Energy Shop 500 10
038 smiley vampire.png 38 Vampire smileyhw2011vampire Classic Shop
039 smiley ghost.png 39 Ghost smileyhw2011ghost Classic Shop
040 smiley frankenstein.png 40 Frankenstein smileyhw2011frankenstein Classic Shop
041 smiley witch.png 41 Witch smileywitch Magic Coin
042 smiley indian.png 42 Indian smileytg2011indian Classic Shop
043 smiley pilgrim.png 43 Pilgrim smielytg2011pilgrim Classic Shop
044 smiley pumpkin.png 44 Pumpkin smileypumpkin1 Contest
045 smiley litpumpkin.png 45 Lit Pumpkin smileypumpkin2 Contest
046 smiley snowman.png 46 Snowman smileyxmassnowman Classic Shop
047 smiley reindeer.png 47 Reindeer smileyxmasreindeer Classic Shop
048 smiley grinch.png 48 Grinch smileyxmasgrinch Magic
049 smiley maestro.png 49 Maestro bricknode Energy Shop (Piano Pack) 3000, 2,500 20
050 smiley dj.png 50 DJ smileydj Energy Shop (Drum Pack) 3000 20
051 smiley sigh.png 51 Sigh smiliesigh Energy Shop 300 6
052 smiley robber.png 52 Robber smileyrobber Energy Shop 500 10
053 smiley police.png 53 Police smileypolice Energy Shop 1,000 20
054 smiley purpleghost.png 54 Purple Ghost smileypurpleghost Magic Coin
055 smiley pirate.png 55 Pirate smileypirate Energy Shop 1,000 20
056 smiley viking.png 56 Viking smileyviking Energy Shop 1,000 20
057 smiley karate.png 57 Karate smileykarate Energy Shop 750 15
058 smiley cowboy.png 58 Cowboy smileycowboy Energy Shop 1,000 20
059 smiley diver.png 59 Diver smileydiver Energy Shop - 15
060 smiley tanned.png 60 Tanned smileytanned Energy Shop - 15
061 smiley propeller.png 61 Propeller smileypropeller Energy Shop 1,000 20
062 smiley hardhat.png 62 Hard hat smileyhardhat Energy Shop 1,000 25
063 smiley gasmask.png 63 Gasmask smileygasmask Energy Shop 1,000 20
064 smiley robot.png 64 Robot smileyrobot Energy Shop 1,000 20
065 smiley peasant.png 65 Peasant smileypeasant Energy Shop 1,000 20
066 smiley guard.png 66 Guard smiliesoldier Energy Shop 1,000 20
067 smiley blacksmith.png 67 Blacksmith smileyblacksmith Energy Shop 1,000 20
068 smiley lol.png 68 LOL smileylaughing Energy Shop 125 2
069 smiley dog.png 69 Dog smileydog Energy Shop 1,000 20
070 smiley alien.png 70 Alien smileyalien Energy Shop 1,000 20
071 smiley astronaut.png 71 Astronaut smileyastronaut Energy Shop 1,000 20
072 smiley partyorange.png 72 PartyOrange unobtainable Special
073 smiley partygreen.png 73 PartyGreen unobtainable Special
074 smiley partyblue.png 74 PartyBlue unobtainable Special
075 smiley partyred.png 75 PartyRed unobtainable Special
076 smiley daredevil.png 76 Daredevil smileycannon Energy Shop 750 15
077 smiley monster.png 77 Monster smileymonster Energy Shop 875 17
078 smiley skeleton.png 78 Skeleton smilieskeleton Energy Shop 750 15
079 smiley madscientist.png 79 Mad Scientist smileymadscientist Energy Shop 750 15
080 smiley headhunter.png 80 Headhunter smileyheadhunter Energy Shop 750 15
081 smiley safari.png 81 Safari smiliesafari Energy Shop 750 15
082 smiley archaeologist.png 82 Archaeologist smileyarchaeologist Energy Shop 1000 20
083 smiley newyear2013.png 83 New Year 2013 smileynewyear2012 Energy Shop 1000 20
084 smiley winter.png 84 Winter smileywinter Energy Shop 1000 20
085 smiley firedemon.png 85 Fire demon smileyfiredeamon Energy Shop 1250 25
086 smiley bishop.png 86 Bishop smileybishop Energy Shop 800 16
087 smiley zombie.png 87 Zombie unobtainable Special
088 smiley bruce.png 88 Bruce smileyzombieslayer Energy Shop 1250 25
089 smiley unit.png 89 Unit smileyunit Energy Shop 1000 20
090 smiley spartan.png 90 Spartan smiliespartan Energy Shop 1000 20
091 smiley lady.png 91 Lady smileyhelen Energy Shop 1000 20
092 smiley cow.png 92 Cow smileycow Energy Shop 1000 20
093 smiley scarecrow.png 93 Scarecrow smiliescarecrow Energy Shop 1000 20
094 smiley darkwizard.png 94 Dark Wizard smileydarkwizard Magic
095 smiley kungfumaster.png 95 Kung Fu Master smileykungfumaster Energy Shop 1000 20
096 smiley fox.png 96 Fox smileyfox Energy Shop 1000 20
097 smiley nightvision.png 97 Night Vision smileynightvision Energy Shop 1000 20
098 smiley summergirl.png 98 Summer Girl smiliesummergirl Energy Shop 1000 20
099 smiley fanboyII.png 99 Fan Boy II smileyfanboy2 Special
100 smiley hologram.png 100 Sci-Fi Hologram unobtainable Special
101 smiley gingerbread.png 101 Gingerbread smileygingerbread Classic Shop
102 smiley caroler.png 102 Caroler smileycaroler Classic Shop
103 smiley elf.png 103 Elf smileyelf Classic Shop
104 smiley nutcracker.png 104 Nutcracker smileynutcracker Classic Shop
105 smiley blushing.png 105 Blushing smileyvalentines2015 Classic Shop
106 smiley artist.png 106 Artist smileyartist Contest
107 smiley princess.png 107 Princess smileyprincess Shop 1250 25
108 smiley chef.png 108 Chef smileychef Shop 1250 25
109 smiley clown.png 109 Clown smileyclown Shop 1250 25
110 smiley redninja.png 110 Red ninja smileyninjared Easter Egg
111 smiley 3dglasses.png 111 3D Glasses smiley3dglasses Shop 1000 20
112 smiley sunburned.png 112 Sunburned smileysunburned Shop 550 15
113 smiley tourist.png 113 Tourist smileytourist Classic Shop - 15
114 smiley cat.png 114 Cat smileycat Shop 750 15
115 smiley graduate.png 115 Graduate smileygraduate Shop 750 15
116 smiley sombrero.png 116 Sombrero smileysombrero Shop 750 15

Removed smilies

  • Zombie Bunny Smiley.png During Easter 2013, the Zombie smiley turned into a Zombie Bunny. There were no functional differences, and obtained just the same as normal Zombies.
  • 110 smiley redninja.png The Red Ninja appeared in the shop, but couldn't be bought until 2015.
  • Purpleghost.png A Purple Ghost smiley appeared on MrShoe's profile, and was removed from the game shortly thereafter. However, it was later added as a magic smiley in February 2015. It can be obtained after getting all magic smileys (except Grinch smiley)
  • Upsidedown Smiley.png An upside-down smiley appeared in the image files of the game. The Purple Ghost replaced this smilies ID in the files.
  • Fake Bigspender.png Previously, when one touched diamond block, he or she would be turned into a fake big spender (the big spender smiley, mirrored with a shorter hat).


The column "Payvault Class" is the class used by PlayerIO to determine what the player has.

  • Classes starting with "smiley" are directly bought from the Smiley tab in the Energy Shop.
  • Classes starting with "brick" or "mixed" are bought with a package from the Block tab.
  • The "unobtainable" class means that the player cannot permanently attire the smiley, and must be obtained while in a world. If the player leaves with a smiley marked unobtainable, their smiley will be reset to the last selected smiley.
  • The "pro" class is obtained from buying the Beta package, which also included 9 blocks and 2 worlds. However, with the addition of Builders Club, the ability to buy the Beta package was removed. Those who already had bought the package still have the 6 smilies and blocks and the 2 worlds. NVD's team added beta back in 2015.
  • The column "Obtained From" is where the smiley is obtained from.
    • Energy Shop - Bought directly from the Energy Shop Smiley or Block tab.
    • Classic Shop - Used to be available for purchase from the Smiley or Block tab for a limited time, but has since moved to the Classic tab, and may only be bought for gems, higher than what the price was when it was in the Smiley or Block tab.
    • Magic - Rarely, a coin gives a Magic Coin. Magic Coins increase your total energy, which determines how much energy you can hold before it stops recharging. Even more rarely, the coin may give the Wizard, Fire Wizard, Witch, Dark Wizard, or Purple Ghost (newest), giving the first smiley the player does not have in that order. During Christmas 2011, some coins gave the Grinch smiley, but may no longer be acquired.
    • Contest - Back in 2011, Chris held 2 contests, supported by RPGmaster2000. For Easter, the first place winners won the Bird and Bunny smilies. The second place winners won the Bunny smiley. For Halloween, all of the winners won the Pumpkin smiley. The first and second place winners also won the Lit Pumpkin smiley. The Artist smiley was a reward for getting first, second or third place in the Loading Contest 2015 from 1 March-10 March.
    • Miscellaneous - Obtained from various methods.
      • Superman - Only Moderators may get this smiley. Upon becoming a Moderator, they acquire this smiley.
      • Fan Boy - Originally, fans of Everybody Edits could send in a post card to Chris, where he would then give the smiley. This has however stopped, as too many people were sending them in and Mr. Shoe took over. The designers of the Kung Fu Master, Fox, and Dark Vision smilies also received the Fan Boy smiley, if they did not already have it. Since then, a new fan boy smiley has been created my Mr. Shoe, called Fan Boy 2.
      • Postman - Signing up for the Everybody Edits newsletter.
    • Special - Obtained from doing certain actions, such as touching a block. These are all marked "unobtainable" as their Payvault Class, and as such leaving a world as these smilies will reset it to the last selected smiley.
      • Diamond Touch - Touching a Diamond block.
      • PartyOrange - Touching a Cake block, happens 25% of the time.
      • PartyGreen - Touching a Cake block, happens 25% of the time.
      • PartyBlue - Touching a Cake block, happens 25% of the time.
      • PartyRed - Touching a Cake block, happens 25% of the time.
      • Zombie - Touching a zombie effect block, or being touched by another Zombie.
      • Hologram - Touching a hologram block.


  • The Kung Fu Master, Fox, and Night Vision smilies were designed by Tiken, Cola1, and TOOP, respectively, as part of a smiley design contest. There was supposed to be only 1 winner, but the Everybody Edits team at the time could not decide who to pick, so they picked 3.[1] These were the first smilies made by fans of the game, and not by a moderator. These 3 members received 1 month of Builders Club, the Fan Boy smiley (if they did not have it), and all 3 smilies.
  • Other players in a room leave a white streak on the minimap. The player you are controlling is green on the minimap. However, the Ninja smiley is pseudo-invisible on the minimap. It leaves a very difficult to see grey streak as of 2015 - before that it was completely invisible. The Police smiley leaves a blue streak, and the robber leaves a semi-transparent streak.
  • The original smiley designs were derived from the Facebook smilies. Rpgmaster2000 designed the smilies from 2010-2012. Toby made the worker, bully, commando, and cowboy smilies. MrSecretGraphicsGuyWhoDoesAllOfOurGraphics, who worked for MrShoe, designed the smilies from 2012-2013. TOOP is the current graphics designer and designed smilies/blocks since October 2014.
  • As of the 18th of April, 2015, over 50 smileys were redesigned (mostly from the weekly update era).
  • Jump up