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Smileys are the avatars of all players in Everybody Edits. Players can control their Smiley with either the arrow keys or WASD and pressing space to jump. There are many ways of obtaining a Smiley, the most popular being from buying them in the Shop. Users with Gold Membership are able to toggle a gold border around their Smiley.

List of Smileys

ID Name Payvault Class Obtained From Description Energy Cost Gem Cost
Smiley smiley.png 0 Smiley
002 grin.png 1 Grin
003 tounge.png 2 Tongue
004 happy.png 3 Happy
005 annoyed.png 4 Annoyed
006 sad.png 5 Sad
007 crying.png 6 Crying pro Beta
008 wink.png 7 Winking pro Beta
009 frustrated.png 8 Frustrated pro Beta
010 shades.png 9 Shades pro Beta
011 devil.png 10 Devil pro Beta
012 inquisitive.png 11 Inquisitive pro Beta
013 ninja.png 12 Ninja smileyninja Shop A swift and stealthy smiley for your collection. 1000 20
014 santa.png 13 Santa smileysanta Classic Exclusive smiley from Christmas 2010.
015 worker.png 14 Worker
016 bigspender.png 15 Big Spender smileybigspender Shop A monocle and tophat for you good sir!
017 superman.png 16 Superman smileysuper Staff Only
018 surprised.png 17 Surprise smileysupprice Shop Express your curiosity with this smiley! 100 2
019 indifferent.png 18 Indifferent
020 girl.png 19 Girl
020 newyears2010.png 20 New Year 2010 mixednewyear2010 Classic Decorative lights from new year 2010! Includes a festive smiley in a hat.
022 coy.png 21 Coy
023 wizard.png 22 Wizard smileywizard Magic
024 fan boy.png 23 Fan Boy smileyfanboy Fanboy Giveaways/Contest
025 terminator.png 24 Terminator
026 XD.png 25 Extra Grin smileyxd Shop Show that you really enjoy the game! 250 5
027 bully.png 26 Bully smileybully Shop Too cool for this place? Then this is the smiley for you! 850 17
028 commando.png 27 Commando smileycommando Shop Want to look fierce and fearless? Get this smiley! 850 17
029 kissing.png 28 Kissing smileyvalentines2011 Classic Exclusive smiley from Valentines 2011!
030 bird.png 29 Bird smileybird Contest
031 bunny.png 30 Bunny smileybunni Contest
032 diamond.png 31 Diamond Touch unobtainable Special
033 firewizard.png 32 Fire Wizard smileywizard2 Magic
034 XP.png 33 Extra Tongue smileyxdp Shop A playful smiley for those who like to make faces. 250 5
035 postman.png 34 Postman smileypostman Special Special delivery for you! 1000 20
036 templar.png 35 Templar smileytemplar Shop Metallic armor and unmatched courage. 750 15
037 angel.png 36 Angel
038 nurse.png 37 Nurse smileynurse Shop Like to help other people? Get this smiley! 500 10
039 vampire.png 38 Vampire smileyhw2011vampire Classic Exclusive smiley from Halloween 2011.
040 ghost.png 39 Ghost smileyhw2011ghost Classic Exclusive smiley from Halloween 2011.
041 frankenstein.png 40 Frankenstein smileyhw2011frankenstein Classic Exclusive smiley from Halloween 2011.
042 witch.png 41 Witch smileywitch Magic
043 indian.png 42 Indian smileytg2011indian Classic Exclusive smiley from Thanksgiving 2011.
044 pilgrim.png 43 Pilgrim smielytg2011pilgrim Classic Exclusive smiley from Thanksgiving 2011.
045 pumpkin.png 44 Pumpkin smileypumpkin1 Contest
046 litpumpkin.png 45 Lit Pumpkin smileypumpkin2 Contest
047 snowman.png 46 Snowman smileyxmassnowman Classic Exclusive smiley from Christmas 2011.
048 reindeer.png 47 Reindeer smileyxmasreindeer Classic Exclusive smiley from Christmas 2011.
049 grinch.png 48 Grinch smileyxmasgrinch Seasonal Campaign Level
050 maestro.png 49 Maestro bricknode Shop (Piano Pack) Note blocks that emit piano tunes when touched! Includes a maestro smiley! 2000 40
051 DJ.png 50 DJ brickdrums Shop (Drum Pack) Note blocks that emit drum beats when touched! Includes a DJ smiley! 2000 40
052 sigh.png 51 Sigh
053 robber.png 52 Robber
054 police.png 53 Police
055 purple ghost.png 54 Purple Ghost smileypurpleghost Campaign Level
056 pirate.png 55 Pirate
057 viking.png 56 Viking
058 karate.png 57 Karate
059 cowboy.png 58 Cowboy
060 diver.png 59 Diver smileydiver Classic Exclusive smiley from Summer 2012
061 tanned.png 60 Tanned smileytanned Classic Exclusive smiley from Summer 2012
062 propeller.png 61 Propeller
063 hardhat.png 62 Hard hat smileyhardhat Shop For those who like heavy construction. 1000 25
064 gasmask.png 63 Gasmask smileygasmask Shop Perfect for hazardous environments, or just to look mean! 850 17
065 robot.png 64 Robot
066 peasant.png 65 Peasant
067 soldier.png 66 Soldier
068 blacksmith.png 67 Blacksmith
069 LOL.png 68 LOL
070 dog.png 69 Dog
071 alien.png 70 Alien smileyalien Shop For an out-of-this-world addition to your smiley collection. 500 10
072 astronaut.png 71 Astronaut smileyastronaut Shop Explore the vast cosmos with this smiley! 1000 20
073 orangeparty.png 72 PartyOrange unobtainable Special
074 greenparty.png 73 PartyGreen unobtainable Special
075 blueparty.png 74 PartyBlue unobtainable Special
076 redparty.png 75 PartyRed unobtainable Special
077 daredevil.png 76 Daredevil
078 monster.png 77 Monster smileymonster Classic Smiley from Halloween 2012.
079 skeleton.png 78 Skeleton smileyskeleton Classic Smiley from Halloween 2012.
080 madscientist.png 79 Mad Scientist smileymadscientist Classic Smiley from Halloween 2012.
081 headhunter.png 80 Headhunter smileyheadhunter Shop A fierce and painted tribal smiley. 300 6
082 safari.png 81 Safari smileysafari Shop, Campaign Level Enjoy the dangerous outdoors with this explorative smiley. 500 10
083 archaeologist.png 82 Archaeologist smileyarchaeologist Shop A cool and studious smiley. 1000 20
084 newyears2013.png 83 New Year 2013 smileynewyear2012 Classic New Years smiley from 2013.
085 winter.png 84 Winter Hat smileywinter Classic Winter smiley from winter 2013.
086 firedemon.png 85 Fire Demon smileyfiredeamon Shop An awesome fireball with a devilish smirk. 300 6
087 bishop.png 86 Bishop smileybishop Shop A smiley with a tall decorative hat. 500 10
088 zombie.png 87 Zombie unobtainable Special
089 bruce.png 88 Bruce smileyzombieslayer Shop Whether the result of a horrible mutation or pure swag, this oddly shaped smiley is the pinnacle of derpness. 1000 15
090 unit.png 89 Unit smileyunit Shop, Campaign Level A smiley for those future enthusiasts! 750 15
091 spartan.png 90 Spartan smileyspartan Shop A warrior of brawn and bravery, with a helmet that gives an epical appearance to this smiley. 850 17
092 lady.png 91 Lady smileyhelen Shop A smiley with feminine facial styling and hair. 500 10
093 cow.png 92 Cow smileycow Shop A classic farm creature for those who like animal smileys. 500 10
094 scarecrow.png 93 Scarecrow smileyscarecrow Shop Want a cool smiley? Try this weathered straw scarecrow! 250 5
095 darkwizard.png 94 Dark Wizard smileydarkwizard Magic
096 kungfumaster.png 95 Kung Fu Master smileykungfumaster Shop Wise and seasoned fighter smiley, designed by Tiken. 250 5
097 fox.png 96 Fox smileyfox Shop Sly fox smiley in a vibrant shade of orange, designed by Cola1 500 10
098 nightvision.png 97 Night Vision smileynightvision Shop Need some nifty headgear? Get some night vision goggles. 1000 20
099 summergirl.png 98 Summer Girl smileysummergirl Classic A summer themed smiley from 2013.
100 fan boy II.png 99 Fan Boy II smileyfanboy2 Fanboy Giveaways
101 hologram.png 100 Sci-Fi Hologram unobtainable Special
102 gingerbread.png 101 Gingerbread smileygingerbread Classic Exclusive smiley from Christmas 2014.
103 caroler.png 102 Caroler smileycaroler Classic Exclusive smiley from Christmas 2014.
104 elf.png 103 Elf smileyelf Classic Exclusive smiley from Christmas 2014.
105 nutcracker.png 104 Nutcracker smileynutcracker Classic Exclusive smiley from Christmas 2014.
106 blushing.png 105 Blushing brickvalentines2015 Classic Valentines package from 2015! Includes a blushing smiley!
107 artist.png 106 Artist smileyartist Contest
108 princess.png 107 Princess
109 chef.png 108 Chef
110 clown.png 109 Clown
111 redninja.png 110 Red Ninja smileyninjared Campaign Level
112 3d glasses.png 111 3D Glasses smiley3dglasses Shop Homage to the retro movie junkies. 250 5
113 sunburned.png 112 Sunburned smileysunburned Classic Exclusive summertime smiley from 2015.
114 tourist.png 113 Tourist smileytourist Classic Exclusive summertime smiley from 2015.
115 graduate.png 114 Graduate smileygraduate Shop, Campaign Level Celebrate educational success with this smiley. 500 10
116 sombrero.png 115 Sombrero smileysombrero Shop Ready for a fiesta? Get this smiley in a traditional wide brimmed hat! 750 15
117 cat.png 116 Cat
118 scared.png 117 Scared
119 ghoul.png 118 Ghoul smileyghoul Classic Exclusive smiley from Halloween 2015!
120 mummy.png 119 Mummy smileymummy Classic Halloween smiley from 2015.
121 bat.png 120 Bat smileybat Classic Exclusive smiley from Halloween 2015!
122 eyeball.png 121 eyeball smileyeyeball Seasonal Campaign Level
123 light wizard.png 122 Light Wizard smileylightwizard Magic
124 hooded.png 123 Hooded smileyhooded Classic Bundle up for the cold outdoors with this limited time hooded smiley!
125 earmuffs.png 124 Earmuffs smileyearmuffs Classic A cheerful smiley with some classic limited time winter gear.
126 penguin.png 125 Penguin smileypenguin Seasonal Campaign Level
127 gold smiley.png 126 Gold Smiley goldmember Gold Membership Earn yourself some metallic gold items by donating to the game! Membership includes gilded smileys, blocks, aura color, and more!
13, 30, 55, 105
128 gold ninja.png 127 Gold Ninja goldmember Gold Membership Earn yourself some metallic gold items by donating to the game! Membership includes gilded smileys, blocks, aura color, and more!
13, 30, 55, 105
129 gold robot.png 128 Gold Robot goldmember Gold Membership Earn yourself some metallic gold items by donating to the game! Membership includes gilded smileys, blocks, aura color, and more!
13, 30, 55, 105
130 gold top hat.png 129 Gold Top Hat goldmember Gold Membership Earn yourself some metallic gold items by donating to the game! Membership includes gilded smileys, blocks, aura color, and more!
13, 30, 55, 105
131 sick.png 130 Sick
132 unsure.png 131 Unsure
133 goofy.png 132 Goofy smileygoofy Shop, Retired Campaign Level A smiley simply designed to show silliness. 300 6
134 raindrop.png 133 Raindrop smileyraindrop Seasonal Campaign Level
135 bee.png 134 Bee smileybee Classic A cheerful springtime honeybee to celebrate the changing of seasons.
136 butterfly.png 135 Butterfly smileybutterfly Classic A pretty butterfly dedicated to the spring season.
137 sea captain.png 136 Sea Captain smileyseacaptain Classic A fearless and seasoned skipper.
138 soda clerk.png 137 Soda Clerk smileysodaclerk Classic A helpful vendor of summertime sweets!
139 lifeguard.png 138 Lifeguard smileylifeguard Classic Safety first!
140 aviator.png 139 Aviator smileyaviator Shop Journey to the skies with this ace smiley made by Kentiya! 300 6
141 sleepy.png 140 Sleepy smileysleepy Shop Tired? Wear this cozy smiley made by SmittyW! 300 6
142 seagull.png 141 Seagull smileyseagull Seasonal Campaign Level
143 werewolf.png 142 Werewolf smileywerewolf Classic Watch out for this ferocious beast! With sharp fangs and glinting eyes, it's sure to add a fright to this halloween.
144 swamp creature.png 143 Swamp Creature smileyswampcreature Classic From the murky depths of a mire, this bulging-eyed smiley roams the swamp, watching you from just beyond the treeline...
145 fairy.png 144 Fairy smileyfairy Shop, Retired Campaign Level Everything about this gentile creature is magical! 850 17
146 fireman.png 145 Fireman smileyfireman Shop Fire! Step forward and put out the flames. 500 10
147 spy.png 146 Spy smileyspy Shop Incognito behind enemy lines, stay cool and keep an ear out for relevant intelligence. 1250 25
148 devil skull.png 147 Devil Skull smileydevilskull Campaign Level
149 clockwork robot.png 148 Clockwork Robot smileyclockwork Shop Tick-tock! A wind-up toy filled with gears and springs! 300 6
150 teddy bear.png 149 Teddy Bear smileyteddybear Shop, Retired Campaign Level What could be more adorable and comforting than this plush smiley? 500 10
151 christmas soldier.png 150 Christmas Soldier smileychristmassoldier Classic Holiday fun in the form of a classical painted figure!
152 scrooge.png 151 Scrooge smileyscrooge Seasonal Campaign Level
153 boy.png 152 Boy
154 pigtails.png 153 Pigtails smileypigtails Shop Twin locks of golden hair. 300 6
155 doctor.png 154 Doctor smileydoctor Shop Professional, intelligent, and cool. I help people. 250 5
156 turban.png 155 Turban smileyturban Shop Traditional cloth headwear and stylish mustache. 850 17
157 hazmat suit.png 156 Hazmat Suit smileyhazmatsuit Shop Danger lurks around every corner. You can't be too cautious. 1000 20
158 leprechaun.png 157 Leprechaun smileyleprechaun Classic Don't be fooled by his adorable face: this smiley is an elusive prankster!
159 angry.png 158 Angry smileyangry Shop When you can no longer suppress your rage... 750 15
160 smirk.png 159 Smirk smileysmirk Shop, Campaign Level A slight turn of the mouth for the smug. 100 2
161 sweat.png 160 Sweat smileysweat Shop Simply exhausted. 250 5
162 country singer.png 161 Country Singer brickguitar Shop (Guitar Pack) Hear the strum of a tuned guitar while passing through the notes. Includes a country singer smiley! 2000 40
163 thor.png 162 Thor smileythor Campaign Level
164 cowgirl.png 163 Cowgirl
165 raccoon.png 164 Raccoon smileyraccoon Shop A cute critter designed by Cola1! 1000 20
166 lion.png 165 Lion smileylion Shop Show that you're the king of all animals. 1000 20
167 laika.png 166 Laika smileylaiika Classic In space, nobody can hear you bark.
168 fishbowl.png 167 Fishbowl smileyfishbowl Classic Who doesn't want to move around acting as if they're in space?
169 slime.png 168 Slime smileyslime Classic A smiley made up of a slimy substance. Yuck!
170 designer.png 169 Designer smileydesigner Contest
171 frozen.png 170 Frozen smileyfrozen Seasonal Campaign Level
172 masquerade.png 171 Masquerade smileymasquerade Shop NEW! Limited until March 29th!

It's Mardi Gras!

1250 25
173 polar bear.png 172 Polar Bear smileypolarbear Shop NEW! Limited until Spring 2018!

Happy International Polar Bear Day!

1250 25



The column "Payvault Class" is the class used by PlayerIO to determine what items the player has.

  • Classes starting with "smiley" are directly bought from the Smiley tab in the Energy Shop.
  • Classes starting with "brick" or "mixed" are bought with a package from the Block tab.
  • "unobtainable" items are temporary or unobtainable Smileys that you can't keep.
  • "pro" items are obtained through Beta.
  • "goldmember" items are obtained through Gold Membership.

Methods of Obtaining

The column "Obtained From" lists where the item is obtained from.

  • Items obtained for "Free" are items given to you when you register the game.
  • Items obtained from "Beta" are items given to you when you purchase Beta Membership.
  • Items obtained from "Shop" are items you can either buy with Energy and/or Gems in the Energy Shop.
  • Items obtained from "Classic" are items you can buy with Gems in the Classic Shop.
  • Items that are "Staff Only" are items players cannot obtain.
  • Items obtained from "Magic" are items given to you from the Magic system.
  • Items obtained from "Fanboy Giveaways" are Fanboy Smileys you can get when the EE Staff hold Fanboy giveaways.
  • Items obtained from "Contest" are items earned from winning a contest.
  • Items that are "Special" are either unobtainable, event items, or secret items.
  • Items obtained from "Gold Membership" are obtained from buying Gold Membership.


  • The Kung Fu Master, Fox, and Night Vision smileys were designed by the users Tiken, Cola1, and TOOP respectively. They were designed for the Smiley Contest.[1]
  • Normally, players leave white trails on the minimap. Some Smileys can change the color of those trails. Ninja, Robber, and Spy leave very transparent trails. Police leaves a rich blue trail.
  • The original Smiley designs were derived from the Facebook emoticons.
  • Toby made the Worker, Bully, Commando, and Cowboy smileys.
  • TOOP redesigned over 50 Smileys during his time as a staff member.
  • Bytearray has redesigned 5 Smileys so far.
  • 006 fake big spender.png When the Diamond Action item was first added, players wore a fake Big Spender instead of Diamond Touch. Multiple differences can be seen.
  • 008 monster.png The Mad Scientist Smiley was changed to a 'monster' Smiley for a short while.


  1. Jump up Smiley Contest Winners