Quick Chat

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Quick Chat is a chat system for guests and players. Phrases uttered using this system do not appear in the chat log.

The following 10 phrases can be said:

Button Text QuickChat Message
Hi Hi.
Bye Goodbye.
Help Help me!
Thanks Thank you.
Come Follow me!
Stop Stop!
Yes Yes.
No No.
Right Right.
Left Left.


The quick chat was introduced December 28, 2011[1]. During the first few hours of quick chat release, the messages were shown in the chat log panel. This feature was removed due to heavy spam. Back in 2013, it is returned back.

In 2015, chatbans are now removed permanently.


Chris Benjaminsen defined the quick chat like this in the blog:

Quick chat is a set of small pre defined messages that should help people without chat communicate a bit.


  1. http://blog.everybodyedits.com/2011/12/28/introducing-quick-chat/