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Everybody Edits features an ingame chat, where players can talk to each other while in worlds. However, chatting privilege can be revoked by the EE Staff if necessary.

The in-game chat facilitates a number of commands that can be used to manipulate the game state and/or manage worlds. Most commands are restricted to users with edit rights, with the exception of chat commands. Players may use non-chat commands regardless of whether they have chat. All commands start with the forward slash character ("/"). Pressing tab completes a word.


  • /help - displays a list of in-game chat commands.
  • /help [command] - displays information about the command specified.
  • /loadlevel - reloads the world from the last save and resets all players to a spawn point. Players will not respawn if they are in god mode.
  • /reset - Resets all players to a sayername]</code> - Kills the specified player and respawns the player at a world spawn point or the last activated checkpoint.
  • /killall - Kills all players in a world and respawns them at a world spawn poAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

er (/unmute). When a player is muted, you cannot see what the player says, although they can see what you chat.

  • /getblockplacer or /gbp - When this command is run and a block is clicked on, it will display the name of the player who placed it in the chat. Typing the command again will cause it to deactivate. However, this doesn't work note blocks, sci-fi decorations, or empty blocks.
  • /roomid - Displays the ID of the room.
  • /clearchat - Clears the chat.
  • /pm [playername] [message] - Sends a private message to the specified user.
  • /godon [playername] - Gives the player the ability to use god mode.
  • /godoff [playername] - Removes the ability to use god mode from the player.
  • /givecrown [username] - Gives the player the crown.
  • /removecrown - Removes the crown from the player who has it.


  • /killemall - Replaced by killall.
  • /respawn - This command was removed when the Respawn Potion was released. While it was available, any player in any world could use this command and it would respawn them at a world spawn point or the last activated checkpoint.
  • /potionson or /potionoff - This command was removed when Potions were replaced with the effect blocks which did the same things a potions, but as a block.